5 tips to find balance & boost your mental health
How many times have you simply felt fatigued? It’s not the tiredness of the day that gets to you, but the tiredness of life. Finding a balance in life and your mental health is not easy. But with certain tips, you can navigate to find…
Finding Balance in a whirlwind of life
Sometimes life can be a whirlwind. You have to go to work or college. Bear the brunt of the crowd and rush while commuting. The roads are jam-packed. You rush to work and deal with a massive and unending workload. And then the day ends…
No Easy Day: Life, Fitness and a balancing act
Living life calls for a balancing act between friends, family, work, health, and your alone time. But it is easier said than done. Like pieces of a puzzle, your work, relationships, fitness, emotional health, and physical health all have to fit together. With only 24…
How Alkaline Water Helps Strengthen Your Bones
Are you disturbed by how climbing up the same set of stairs that you used to run through without breaking a sweat, now tires you profusely and even causes knee pains? Experiencing sporadic inexplicable back pains, and feel like your body is weighing you down…
How alkaline water makes your skin better
Tired of looking at the mirror and noticing newer pimples, wrinkles and blemishes? Tired of feeling like your skin is aging at an accelerated pace? Does this sound like it’s going to be another commercial for skin-care products? Nope! Just a friendly reminder that the…
10 Tips for an alkaline life
Many of us do a lot of hard work to stay fit and healthy. In order to do so, we gym, run, eat healthy, sleep healthy, make time table for ourselves, decide our routines and a lot more. For some, it’s still an unachieved target…
What is pH and why is it important for your health?
pH stands for the potential of hydrogen. Everything that we consume today right from your favourite beverage to the food you have, every consumable item has a pH which helps us define the acidity or alkalinity of its content. However what is important for us…
Your food is acidic
Gone are the days where tiffin boxes were the norm and home-made nutritious food made way to our offices and college. In this new age life, where everything is moving at a fast pace, health has simply taken a back seat. Ordering pizza has become…