We’ve all heard, experienced and know that “water is the source of all life”. That’s why it’s pretty
shocking for some to discover that water can be a source of discomfort and disease as well.
And that’s why, while water is the medicine to most of life’s problems, what kind, how much and
when we drink water, can mean deriving significant advantages or incurring health penalties,
from this otherwise seemingly simple, daily necessity of life. So, here’s 5 do’s and don’ts for you
to keep in mind when drinking water:

1. Don’t drink more water than you can handle

“8 glasses of water a day is the key to a healthy life” – as mentioned in our previous blog ‘The
Art of Drinking Water’, isn’t a practice that stands true for everyone. How much water one
should drink, completely depends on the factors like gender, diet, level of activity. According to
studies, two liters of water per day is a healthy amount of water for women on an average,
whereas men need to drink 12 glasses of water in order to stay hydrated. Also, there is no such
scientific evidence that supports or claims that eight glasses of water a day is must for health.
That being said, if drinking 8 glasses of water in a day feels normal, then by all means continue
the routine. But if it comes at the expense of great bodily discomfort, then there is no harm in
scaling down how much water you drink, so long as you keep yourself frequently hydrated.

2. Don’t drink water only when you feel thirsty.

The previous point being mentioned, it doesn’t mean that one should only drink water when they
feel thirsty, since thirst isn’t the only indicator for dehydration. Drinking water only while you are
thirsty will only allow you to have few benefits from it. Ignoring thirst signals can lead to
problems such as dry skin and weight gain. As a result, make sure that you drink water

3. Do drink lots of water to help lose weight

Drinking water alone does not solve weight related issues but it definitely aids the process.
Water consumption increases the workings of the metabolism, contributing significantly to the
burning of calories. Apart from helping cleanse your system, water also acts as an appetite
suppressant, and drinking water before meals can naturally prevent you from ingesting a
significant number of calories.

4. Do drink lots of water to prevent digestive problems

You kidney alone cannot get rid of waste products or toxins. Water helps the kidneys to perform
its task efficiently, helping in eliminating toxins more easily from the body. Lack of sufficient
water in the body, prevents metabolic waste to be removed from your body effectively. So, in
order to maintain proper health, the body requires requires good amount of water to expel
toxins. Additionally, increased water in the body, also helps in the breakdown of food, so that
your body can absorb nutrients better.

5. Don’t rely on sports drinks

Sports drinks give you an instant kick and you can feel its immediate effects, however these
benefits are short term. This is due to electrolytes and carbohydrates which sports drinks
provide, which are lost during your sports activity. However, when it comes to hydration, water
does a significantly greater job of keeping your body hydrated and thus better functioning, over
all. And therefore, if an upgrade in beverage is sought to enhance your body and fitness, your
best bet is to seek an upgrade in the kind of water that you’re drinking. Alkaline water is
enhanced with minerals and extra electrolytes (which sports drinks give you), and therefore it’s
a great option if you’re looking to benefits from the permanent long-lasting effects of water, while
also enjoying the energy boost afforded by sports drinks.