Finding Balance in a whirlwind of life
Sometimes life can be a whirlwind. You have to go to work or college. Bear the brunt of the crowd and rush while commuting. The roads are jam-packed. You rush to work and deal with a massive and unending workload. And then the day ends…
5 Easy Habits that will make you Active for Life
Whether it’s turning your body from acidic to alkaline, or going from a lazy person to a productive person, or from living life lethargically to staying active for life…The one question that plagues anyone that’s tried it is – WHY IS IT SO HARD? The…
Say “Yes” Smartly to your Problems, with Alkalen
Do you find yourself having three cups of tea a day, although you don’t even really like tea? Are you just snacking at work, even when not really hungry, cause somebody’s ordering something? Or are you eating out nearly every day, because that’s how your…
The Art of Drinking Water
The Art of Drinking Water Water. We all know that a majority of the earth is made up of water, just as we know that a majority of ourselves is made up of water. It is one of the major sustainers of life as we…