It’s as simple as drinking water every day

The Hydrated Lifestyle
You get up, you run, you perspire, and you drink. You repeat the process again and again and guess what, you haven’t moved forward a bit towards your goal? What if we told you we have a solution? One that’s as simple as drinking water.
It is certainly undisputed that the acid-alkaline balance of our body is essential for healthy living. The processed and fast-food based millennial dietthat most of us follow, to complement our stressful, sedentary lives, is the perfect recipe for an acidic lifestyle. Thisis eventually bound to cause chronic metabolic diseases and related health complaints because diseases and illnesses thrive in an acidic internal environment.
With Alkalen, we are here to change your mantra for health one bottle at a time. It is rich with essential alkaline minerals and electrolytes making it a great-tasting and refreshing water with a pH level as high as 9.5, similar to water found in the purest of pure glaciers across the arctic.
All About Alkalen
What is Alkaline?
Alkalen is a premium water based electrolyte beverage. The electrolytes and minerals it contains helps you restore the acid-alkaline balance in a natural manner as it restores the self-healing capacity of the body.
Alkalen v/s regular water
You get high quality alkalized water based beverage with additional electrolytes.
What is pH? What does it mean?
The pH balance is scaled from 1 through 14 with 0 to less than 7 as acidic, 7 as neutral and anything over 7 as alkaline in nature. The ideal pH of the body is 7.35 to 7.45. The pH of Alkalen is 9.5 which gives it its characteristic alkaline nature and makes it a must in your health basket. After all you need a HEALTHY INSIDE for an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE.
What is the process to make Alkalen?
Alkalen’s premium water based beverage is created through a unique process which replicates Nature’s way of mineralizing water.
For how long is the pH stable once it is bottled?
The pH level can stay stable for upto 2 years in the bottle but we only mention it as 12 months.
What’s your pH?
Ask your pH
Simply put, everything you eat or drink has a pH (potential hydrogen) level, which
measures on a scale of 0 to 14. The lower the pH of anything you consume, the more Acidic it is. The higher the pH of any consumable, the more Alkaline it is. Simple, right?
How do you measure the pH level of various drinks?
Take a sip for an active life
So why care about being alkaline?
Well, high Acidity levels are a major cause of bodily problems like weight-issues, skin problems, lack of vitality, low energy levels etc. And with the popularity of processed foods and modern day “eat-sleep-work-repeat” routines, acidic lifestyles are commonplace.
Alkalinity, being the opposite of acidity, is thus the most natural solution to the aforementioned health problems. Since 60% of the human body is water, the most effective method of making alkalinity a part of your daily diet, is to simply upgrade your drinking water with it.
While the pH of regular water is usually a neutral 7 or below, the pH of mineral water goes a little above that. However, Alkalen water is enhanced with electrolytes and added minerals, allowing it to attain whopping pH levels from 8.5 to as high as 9.5. The drop or increase of even a single level on the pH scale, could mean a thousand times more acidity or alkalinity. In other words, if you’re looking for a more lasting solution to an acidic lifestyle, or if you’re just looking to give your overall fitness levels a boost, it’s time for you to Switch To Alkalen.